Data Safety for Business

As the owner of a business you are responsible for storing and storing sensitive information about your employees and customers. You might think that cyberattacks only are an issue for large corporations however, 60 percent of data breaches are affecting small companies1.

A single violation can cost you millions of dollars in fines and settlements. It could also damage the loyalty of your customers. It can also ruin your business’s reputation and even cause you to be out of business.

There is no one-size fits all solution to security of data However, there are basic things that every business can do to mitigate risks and protect itself from threats like malware or phishing attacks, as well as data loss. Making sure you have strong passwords and securing important documents and offering cybersecurity training for your employees will make it harder for attackers to gain access to your data.

Regularly conduct risk assessments: This will help you find weaknesses and identify the most effective security measures. Develop a Comprehensive Security Policy: Create clear guidelines for access to data, data handling, and what you should do in the event of an incident involving data. Secure sensitive data and make it unreadable for unauthorized users while in transit or at rest. Remove unneeded information: Think about policies that instruct staff on how to sanitize or replace sensitive information (like degaussing or shredding digitally) so it cannot be accessed by those who aren’t supposed to.

If you follow these guidelines to build an enduring foundation for a secure infrastructure that supports your business continuity prior to, during and after a cyberattack. Book a free consultation with our Cybersecurity and IT specialist to find out more about developing the best plan for your unique business needs.


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