Marriage Not Dating Episode 1 English SUB At Dramacool

Dad asks haltingly if he can stay with her, but Mom is stubborn and tries to give the bankbook back. It’s cute how the other women in the waiting room urge Mom to take the money and kick the man out, but the men are all “These women are so disloyal! ” Mom grudgingly takes the money (and Dad), to a round of applause. Jang-mi’s mother waits for her surgery, and she’s the only patient in the room who is alone. She sighs at all the other ladies who have husbands, boyfriends, and sons to support them, but pretends disinterest when her own husband shows up.

Such a big fan of both leads and it was so refreshing to see a mother-in-law who was not pure evil just to supply a drama with a stock villain. The story surprised me with how lovely it turned out to be despite it’s shortness and Yeon Woo-jin is wonderful in it. On a totally different note, Yeon Woo Jin has officially switched from a reason for me NOT to watch a drama to a reason FOR me to watch a drama. Overall I enjoyed this drama even if some of my love for it at the beginning wore off towards the end. It’s still one of the best rom-coms of 2014 for me and I will put it on my repeat list for rainy days.

I enjoyed this episode especially when KT was going to the naughty place in his mind. The fast strip and the shower scene with sound effects was hilarious. But other than that, I can’t say enough praises about it. I absolutely love Ki-tae and Jang-mi’s relationship, so much that I never want the show to end.

King of Mask Singer Season 1 – Episode 400

I’m not even going to address the inevitable fact that this drama is ending tomorrow. I’ll just live in my happy land where I still have 16 episodes to look forward to… The scene on the phone with his Mom. KHS can show inner turmoil with the slightest nuanced facial expressions. I was sobbing for them both in happiness. It amazed me how with no words he was able to say how much he loved both JM and his mother.

Marriage Not Dating Episode 2

She tries one more time to see what’s in the envelope, but Ki-tae promises to show her when their bet is really over. Jang-mi’s insistence that she’s unsure about marriage just makes Dad even angrier and he demands to know what Ki-tae did to make her uncertain. When Jang-mi asks what Dad ever did to give Mom assurance, it takes all the fight right out of him, but the news that Mom has cancer hits him even harder. Having put the restaurant up for sale, Jang-mi’s dad is pretty drunk on soju by the time they find him, and he roars at Ki-tae for having the nerve to show up here.

Chains of Heart ( Episode 9

Not even at the beginning of the episode… They waited until the literal 59th minute to throw cancer in there. This is the most unnecessary Cancer in the history of Unnecessary Cancer!

We have to be grateful for the experience of having such friends… You already know all from the comments here and from any observation you’ve done during your watching. A ‘different, fresh, intelligent, and worth-watching romantic comedy’. Or maybe i just really dislike yeoreum and want him gone lol. The mom still bother me tremendously in this one..even though she told the husband if he wants the mistress then a divorce is decided..but then whay?

He thinks she changed her number and quit her job to avoid him, but Hyun-hee corrects him—she was fired because of his mall-brawling mother, and her parents are getting a divorce. She threatens to shut him down with her power-blogger prowess, and he throws her out to go try. All the stuff you honestly dont care about is what makes this show endearing to me. For once im brought on a journey of people changing for the better, while for some (han yeo reum) revealing the inner kindness we all have but people failed to see. Well, I’m certainly glad the show didn’t cater to your needs because if the show hadn’t done what you fault it so much for in these last episodes then I would have been disappointed.

I agree that both leads really gave their best in their roles…and I’m a real fan of them now. Hopefully they will move on to bigger and better projects. Thing is I feel that cable sometimes used lesser known actors who doesn’t command the same buzz but somehow produces better results. It’s telling that a number of cable dramas are actually more entertaining than the ones on the main stations. It’s a peculiar trend but as long as us viewers remain the beneficiaries….no complains here. I love watching actors grow role by role, and these two had such a fantastically timed growth spurt in the same drama opposite one another.

She tells him that she doesn’t regret their time together, but that doesn’t mean she was happy – she was doing her best to live with her choice to stay. She tells Dad to take responsibility for his love, and find fulfillment. Ki-tae’s mom sits up alone late at night and is joined by Grandma, who also can’t sleep. Grandma says she has something to confess and asks if Mom remembers when she left home with Ki-tae. She tells Mom that Ki-tae thinks of those as his happiest days, but Mom remembers them as lazy days.

Her acting is on point and she’s so good at comedy. Yeon Woo Jin’s characters are so scary and he was a killer in Arang but the first time I saw him was in Ojakgyo Brothers and from then on, I knew he’d do well in a rom com. I will say the product placement for the LG portable photo printer in the last episode totally got me. I immediately looked it up and may still buy it … She’s the only reason i keep watching the show. Mom turns to go but Dad grabs her arm, crying that he’s lost everything so what good is love?

Because in lesser capable hands, the character would seem one-dimensional. That sad, miserable, thrown aside wife just waiting to hurt anyone who came across her. Now that the drama is over (I’ve just seen the final ep, even without subs it feels so goddamn satisfying), my weekend won’t feel as exhilarating and the rest of the week won’t feel as insufferable. Yeah, it really genuinely feels like friends are moving away forever and all I have left is home-videos of them LOL. My son came from the back of the house to see what I was laughing about, because the last scene was so.

See him as a person and not just a lover. I want to be a worthy woman like jangmi is trying to be for gitae… And i want a guy to see me like gitae sees jangmi. I’m going to cry blood of tears tomorrow or something. It’s been a very long while since I’ve been obsessed with a drama and really fear withdrawals.