Dating Someone With BPD: How To Make It Work

Most people with mental illnesses are not harmful to others and there’s a higher chance they will harm themselves, rather than others. She was a really sweet girl, very loving and affectionate at first. The biggest issue is how easily things switch from “you’re perfect” to feeling like you can’t do anything right. No matter how hard you try, how much you love them, there are times that they are impulsive and dangerous, and you can’t really help. Offer to support him by going to the doctor’s office with him or suggest couple’s counseling if you suspect bipolar is ruining your relationshipas bipolar in relationships can be quite difficult.

Navigating Love and Dating as a Disabled Person

Why is it natural to offer kindness to others, but not to ourselves? Says his past is riddled with opportunities for him to self-punish. As a bipolar person I was subject to more humiliation, being berated and the like than i ever gave out.

While it can’t be cured outright, bipolar disorder can be managed effectively through treatment and care, allowing a person with it to live a healthy, happy life. For people with bipolar disorder, stressful situations can cause changes in mood. When they are unwell and unable to assist with family responsibilities, this can take a toll on the other partner. Every person with bipolar disorder has a unique experience of the condition. Being educated about symptoms and treatment options can provide insight into ways to better support a spouse with bipolar disorder. It’s common for people with bipolar disorder to desire frequent sex during manic or hypomanic phases.

How To Know If You Have Bipolar Depression

For people who live with mental illness, the decision to talk about their condition is a big step and can be challenging. More than just informing your partner about your diagnosis, it can also be helpful to explain what your mood shifts may look like and how you manage them. As you and your partner get to know each other, you’ll want to be more open and communicative about your emotions, just like in any healthy relationship. Also let your partner know when you feel that your mood may be shifting, if possible, and be honest when you’re experiencing a severe episode that pulls you away from your typical behavior. For example, if you’re experiencing a depressive episode that makes you want to stay home, be honest and explain this to your partner rather than make an excuse to cancel plans. That said, it is not at all impossible for someone with bipolar disorder to date and ultimately have a healthy romantic relationship.

Identify warning signs and triggers

It takes work, and it takes time to develop those things. I do think that it can happen — and not just with people who are also living with an illness, but with anyone. Once that happens, it’s hard to keep the new spark alive — and whether I like it or not, a friendship, perhaps dysfunctional, has been formed. In most of my dating encounters, the subject of schizophrenia may have never even been broached, but it’s scary to imagine what would’ve happened had it been. The truth is, for the longest time, I was a nervous wreck.

And sometimes, she gets depressed to the point of considering suicide. Those things are much more difficult to manage long-term, so I see dating people with those illnesses as agreeing to be placed in harms way, regardless of how well they’re managing. Ultimately, your partner’s response to this information will impact how you respond. Although you can encourage him to see his doctor and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist, you can’t force him to go. Explain that you don’t think he’s “crazy” – you just want him to be as happy and healthy as possible, and you feel like his symptoms are getting in the way of that. Though you may want to crawl into your self-imposed cocoon when you’re depressed, and feel like you’re on top of the world when you’re manic, it’s important to accept help when it’s offered.

No matter how down or out of control you feel, its important to remember that youre not powerless when it comes to bipolar disorder. Beyond the treatment you get from your doctor or therapist, there are many things you can do for yourself to reduce your symptoms and stay on track. You can live the life youve always wanted in a successful, loving, mutually supportive relationship.

Dating someone with bipolar disorder can be challenging, because you can’t control when your partner experiences a mood shift. To help your relationship succeed, focus on communication, support your partner’s treatment plan, and don’t forget to take care of yourself. Many people consider parenting the most stressful job of their lives. But any kind of stressor — good or bad — has potential to trigger manic or depressive episodes for people with bipolar disorder. During episodes of depression, your partner may avoid sexual contact altogether.

Since receiving training from the inventor of TMS Therapy nearly a decade ago, Dr. Upshaw has been a pioneer, champion and outspoken advocate of TMS Therapy. Dr. Upshaw’s holistic experience in the field has transformed him into Florida’s leading advocate for widespread accessibility to TMS Therapy. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. The intensity concerned my roommates, especially as the holidays rolled around and I tried to incorporate him in my plans.

If you’re living with BPD, an important part of treatment is finding the right support. Here are some options and how you can take that first step. Many people who live with BPD have experienced just cougars childhood trauma. Learn more about the complex blend of factors that cause BPD. Navigating a relationship when one of you has BPD, and the other does not, can be challenging at times.