Marriage Not Dating Episode 1 English SUB At Dramacool

Dad asks haltingly if he can stay with her, but Mom is stubborn and tries to give the bankbook back. It’s cute how the other women in the waiting room urge Mom to take the money and kick the man out, but the men are all “These women are so disloyal! ” Mom grudgingly takes the money (and Dad), to a round of applause. Jang-mi’s mother waits for her surgery, and she’s the only patient in the room who is alone. She sighs at all the other ladies who have husbands, boyfriends, and sons to support them, but pretends disinterest when her own husband shows up.

Such a big fan of both leads and it was so refreshing to see a mother-in-law who was not pure evil just to supply a drama with a stock villain. The story surprised me with how lovely it turned out to be despite it’s shortness and Yeon Woo-jin is wonderful in it. On a totally different note, Yeon Woo Jin has officially switched from a reason for me NOT to watch a drama to a reason FOR me to watch a drama. Overall I enjoyed this drama even if some of my love for it at the beginning wore off towards the end. It’s still one of the best rom-coms of 2014 for me and I will put it on my repeat list for rainy days.

I enjoyed this episode especially when KT was going to the naughty place in his mind. The fast strip and the shower scene with sound effects was hilarious. But other than that, I can’t say enough praises about it. I absolutely love Ki-tae and Jang-mi’s relationship, so much that I never want the show to end.

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I’m not even going to address the inevitable fact that this drama is ending tomorrow. I’ll just live in my happy land where I still have 16 episodes to look forward to… The scene on the phone with his Mom. KHS can show inner turmoil with the slightest nuanced facial expressions. I was sobbing for them both in happiness. It amazed me how with no words he was able to say how much he loved both JM and his mother.

Marriage Not Dating Episode 2

She tries one more time to see what’s in the envelope, but Ki-tae promises to show her when their bet is really over. Jang-mi’s insistence that she’s unsure about marriage just makes Dad even angrier and he demands to know what Ki-tae did to make her uncertain. When Jang-mi asks what Dad ever did to give Mom assurance, it takes all the fight right out of him, but the news that Mom has cancer hits him even harder. Having put the restaurant up for sale, Jang-mi’s dad is pretty drunk on soju by the time they find him, and he roars at Ki-tae for having the nerve to show up here.

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Not even at the beginning of the episode… They waited until the literal 59th minute to throw cancer in there. This is the most unnecessary Cancer in the history of Unnecessary Cancer!

We have to be grateful for the experience of having such friends… You already know all from the comments here and from any observation you’ve done during your watching. A ‘different, fresh, intelligent, and worth-watching romantic comedy’. Or maybe i just really dislike yeoreum and want him gone lol. The mom still bother me tremendously in this one..even though she told the husband if he wants the mistress then a divorce is decided..but then whay?

He thinks she changed her number and quit her job to avoid him, but Hyun-hee corrects him—she was fired because of his mall-brawling mother, and her parents are getting a divorce. She threatens to shut him down with her power-blogger prowess, and he throws her out to go try. All the stuff you honestly dont care about is what makes this show endearing to me. For once im brought on a journey of people changing for the better, while for some (han yeo reum) revealing the inner kindness we all have but people failed to see. Well, I’m certainly glad the show didn’t cater to your needs because if the show hadn’t done what you fault it so much for in these last episodes then I would have been disappointed.

I agree that both leads really gave their best in their roles…and I’m a real fan of them now. Hopefully they will move on to bigger and better projects. Thing is I feel that cable sometimes used lesser known actors who doesn’t command the same buzz but somehow produces better results. It’s telling that a number of cable dramas are actually more entertaining than the ones on the main stations. It’s a peculiar trend but as long as us viewers remain the beneficiaries….no complains here. I love watching actors grow role by role, and these two had such a fantastically timed growth spurt in the same drama opposite one another.

She tells him that she doesn’t regret their time together, but that doesn’t mean she was happy – she was doing her best to live with her choice to stay. She tells Dad to take responsibility for his love, and find fulfillment. Ki-tae’s mom sits up alone late at night and is joined by Grandma, who also can’t sleep. Grandma says she has something to confess and asks if Mom remembers when she left home with Ki-tae. She tells Mom that Ki-tae thinks of those as his happiest days, but Mom remembers them as lazy days.

Her acting is on point and she’s so good at comedy. Yeon Woo Jin’s characters are so scary and he was a killer in Arang but the first time I saw him was in Ojakgyo Brothers and from then on, I knew he’d do well in a rom com. I will say the product placement for the LG portable photo printer in the last episode totally got me. I immediately looked it up and may still buy it … She’s the only reason i keep watching the show. Mom turns to go but Dad grabs her arm, crying that he’s lost everything so what good is love?

Because in lesser capable hands, the character would seem one-dimensional. That sad, miserable, thrown aside wife just waiting to hurt anyone who came across her. Now that the drama is over (I’ve just seen the final ep, even without subs it feels so goddamn satisfying), my weekend won’t feel as exhilarating and the rest of the week won’t feel as insufferable. Yeah, it really genuinely feels like friends are moving away forever and all I have left is home-videos of them LOL. My son came from the back of the house to see what I was laughing about, because the last scene was so.

See him as a person and not just a lover. I want to be a worthy woman like jangmi is trying to be for gitae… And i want a guy to see me like gitae sees jangmi. I’m going to cry blood of tears tomorrow or something. It’s been a very long while since I’ve been obsessed with a drama and really fear withdrawals.

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To dating coach Connell Barrett, founder of, that’s because there’s an inherent dishonesty to them. One of my clients keeps going on these dates and then complaining to me that she’s hungry when she gets home. I told her to either eat a snack first or suggest getting a nibble on the date.

You’re in the early stage of a relationship with a woman. Even if you yell at your cat and make it clear that you don’t like your stuff broken, it will still do so whenever it feels like your hard-to-get attention isn’t coming its way. What a lot of men fail to realize is that women feed off attention — any kind of attention.

On the front of our “sweatshirt” we display the message we want others to see. Jane will search out men who will treat her poorly so she can be the victim and then switch and “get them.” Whether you want to confidently approach women, get quality matches on dating apps, or learn how to avoid the “friend zone”, Dating Sucks, but You Don’t is your step-by-step blueprint for landing your soul mate. The result is a great book for any guy who not only wants to improve his dating skills and learn more about romantic relationships, but truly understand the fundamentals of female dynamics. I heard what P said, but never made a direct conclusion to the topic.

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Personally the book acted as a gateway for me, as I imagine many others, into a much needed self improvement period of my life. Over the past few years, I’ve heard a ton of great feedback from readers who have told me how much it’s done for them. I wrote Stop Doubting, Start Dating to help other shy, introverted and introspective guys like me become the best version of themselves. Maybe you have a regular friend with benefits, in which case, by all means. But responding to that 3 AM text in the hopes that maybe this time he’ll see more than just a bedfellow? The no-show who “overslept,” and the player whose stories sound a little too impressive?

Conversation Starters to Bring Up When You’re Getting to Know Someone

Also, having a good imagination means that your boyfriend can easily do romantic things for you, which will surely floor you. Therefore, while going out with someone who is into gaming you do not have to worry about him losing his patience when you are taking too much time to get ready. They have huge levels of patience which means that they will happily play video games while waiting for you. When gamers get too wrapped up in their hobby, they sometimes forget to take breaks. So it’s helpful to encourage your partner to take breaks every now and then. You might also want to consider playing some games together.

Word of warning The anti-Hinge, Grindr isn’t designed to be deleted, but rather to be a quiet fixture on your phone’s home screen, always on hand, no matter the time, place – or relationship status. Use it if you are looking for … the one (or are ready to settle for less). No, we are not talking about the typical “men have economical and political power” which is the argument most feminist would give. There are many people who love to rescue others, and you will see how they seek people out who will allow them to do just that. There are other situations where you have more than just two people. Let’s say the facts are the same, and Sally comes in and decides she needs to help Jane get out of this situation with Jack.

Wiseman, who starts over beastly Duren, is a more versatile scorer than the rookie and that’s likely why he starts. Given his and Duren’s potential, there’s question as to how the Pistons will navigate their futures. After all, Wiseman looked like a player who may be out of the league as early as last season.

In order to participate in the dating game, it is important to read subtle non-verbal communication that indicates mutual attraction and explore one another’s expectations in a romantic relationship. Typical teenagers understand dating conventions from intuition, observation and discussion with their peers. When dating, both partners progress along the relationship continuum at a reciprocally agreed and mutually enjoyed pace. Typical adolescents have considerable experience with many friendships, developing conflict management strategies and the art of compromise. They also know how much time to spend together and communicate through social media. Dating Games are free romance simulation games where players can date virtual characters and build a relationship.

With this attitude, meeting the right partner is challenging as the man already expects little from the potential partner. In online dating games, players can test how strong their affection is with one of the love calculators. You can also solve various puzzles and look for hints to find your better half.

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Depending on their response to you putting your foot down, you’ll have a good idea of whether there’s any potential here. Engle says that if they try to flip the script and make it out like you’re the one being unreasonable, it’s time to get out of there. But just because you shouldn’t jump to accusations of game-playing doesn’t mean you should roll over and experience that frustration without saying anything. You might have a better understanding of these mind games by now, but how can you tell when someone’s engaging in them?

A person is addicted to gaming when it becomes a priority activity for them. If they love you and want to be with you, turning off the television every once in a while wouldn’t be a hard compromise to make. Your level of expertise is secondary because the focus is on the intimacy of the moment as opposed to being competitive. You might be surprised at the aspects of your partner’s character that you would glimpse through this process. Also, it sends a message to your partner that you see and respect them.

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The best way to answer the question is to say 我住在 (Wǒ zhù zài)– “I live in” and the name of the city or region where you live. Now that your new Chinese friends know where you’re from originally, they may want to know some additional information about your current status. Ciarran sent social media into a swirl after he was filmed ‘fooling around’ with Love Island stunner Audrey Kanongara in the shower, despite admitting that he had a girlfriend the outside. The reality stars were seen partying together at Chapel Street’s long-awaited new sky-high space, Beverly Rooftop in Melbourne, raising eyebrows as they shared loved-up photos on their social media accounts.

Don’t dump all of this (often negative) information on someone you don’t know yet. Either way, thank the other person for his or her generosity and time. Men’s biggest pet peeve when they treat on a date is when someone doesn’t appreciate what they’ve done. She then jealously, and quite literally, destroys your idyllic world. She takes over the game, prevents you from quitting out, deletes the game’s save files and gallery information that involve a rival love interest.

These negative signs may be the opposite of the positive signs described above, such as being critical and finding fault. We have found that another sign is one of the partners being possessive or controlling. It is important to explore what aspects of personality, abilities, and appearance are attractive when seeking someone to date.

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Meanwhile – as we’ll explore in additional element below – search engines like google nonetheless rank extremely too. There is a walloping variety of websites you could surf in Grand Theft Auto V. Unlike the GTA IV the place you had to go to an web cafe to find a way to go to a website; you’ll be able to simply do this by way of your cell phone. Many will ask why FIRE cares about whether or not an avowed spiritual establishment would ban pornography. In reality, we get some variation of that query almost every time we criticize a religious school or university for an act of censorship primarily based on that institution’s religious leanings. At an April 1 assembly, the coed government at the Catholic University of America passed a resolution to dam the “top 200 pornography sites” from college Wi-Fi.

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It also boasts a library of music movies, manga, and live-action collection and flicks. The website also caters to content material from nations like China and Korea. Some like to watch anime through on-line streaming web sites or functions, and others favor to download their favourite milana vayntrub nude anime reveals or motion pictures. The latter doesn’t just download anime for the sake of watching them later on; they also wish to enrich their collections. And essentially the most enthusiastic anime fans know that Torrent sites are the best place to do so.

Because whether or not or not you’ve had success finding love, you deserve it, and you deserve to hold attempting. Once you have installed these apps and signed up for the services, get ready for a barrage of notifications and email. Some, like day by day match suggestions, are helpful, whereas others, like alerts that inform you every new “like” you get, can just be annoying. The good factor is you’ll have the ability to easily tweak these alerts by drilling down into the settings menus in each of the apps. Options—for instance, letting you pay to spice up your ranking in search outcomes, letting somebody know that you’re really, really interested in them, or undoing a dreaded left-swipe that was imagined to be a right-swipe—cost you additional. Although some apps could promote themselves as free, all of them try to get a buck from you in the end.

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From social media to gaming, begin managing your kids’ on-line exercise. Set healthy cut-off dates and filter content—across every device—from one simple app. This is an issue dad and mom do want to pay attention to during the pandemic. Teenagers are having to spend extra time at home and cannot see their friends like they’re use to. Therefore, many teen boys are reporting being bored and some report being barely depressed. Since they are spending more time in their bedrooms and have easy accessibility to pornography by way of their phones or laptop and some video games, being very bored the temptation to take a glance at pornography may be overwhelming and easy to offer into. This easy distraction might have simply turned into an dependancy during the pandemic and since it’s really easy to get, the danger of it turning into an dependancy continues.

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A VPN service could also be appropriate for one kind of use however not for an additional. Some VPNs are excellent for work-related functions, however they gained’t be that great when it comes to media streaming or downloading. Choosing the wrong VPN may have dangerous penalties in your download velocity and stability. Nandam Sreenivasulu is enthusiastic about cybersecurity and tech lover believes in Internet freedom for all. Loves to watch animes in his free time and explore more in regards to the newest animes.

Hackers know that “trusted” sites like these primarily based round religion generally appear safer to the public and as such, make an ideal goal for malware. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Use an instant messenger, speak to and post to whom you want on your contacts listing, should you get spammed or trolled it is not anyone else’s fault but your individual. Social media just must go away, but today everyone needs that instant gratification of “Likes” . Musk had earlier stripped blue badges from accounts verified underneath former criteria and changed it with a paid system for everyone, in a bid to tear down what he had called a ‘lords & peasants’ system.

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WatchSoMuch offers its users the flexibility to request movies and TV shows, however in order to take action, you’ll must create a member account. This newer version of KickassTorrents makes downloading tougher than it most likely might be, and we can’t guarantee its security. Therefore, this as soon as very popular website has dropped considerably on our listing. The library is intensive, and seeders are plentiful for newer releases. However, after we began shopping recently up to date torrents, an invasive pop-up ad opened in another browser, which we’re never too fond of. It’s obtained a beautiful interface and a few attention-grabbing features permitting customers to easily stay updated on in style digital products.

Since then, over 70 Gundam sequence, specials, and movies have been made and tons of of millions of model kits sold. Not to be outdone, Toei put out the first “shojo” and magical lady anime in 1966. Based on a manga by Mitsuteru Yokoyama, who’d also written Tetsujin 28-Go, magical lady starred young witch princess Sally, who by chance teleported to Earth after which stayed to have fun together with her new associates. The first episodes have been produced in black and white, but episodes 18 onward had been made in shade and the show had success in quite a few other nations. The first animated movie released in Japan, and therefore the first anime, was in all probability launched in late 1916 or very early ‘17 by Shimokawa Oten, made with chalk, and fewer than five minutes long.

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Some have been known to trace and extort apparent pedophiles. Cyber crimes and hacking services for financial institutions and banks have also been offered over the dark internet. Attempts to monitor this exercise have been made by way of numerous authorities and personal organizations, and an examination of the tools used may be found in the Procedia Computer Science journal. Use of Internet-scale DNS distributed reflection denial of service assaults have also been made by way of leveraging the darkish web.

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He is repeatedly charged with abusing girls, but his good behavior and kind manners gain him preferable treatment and light sentences. He is repeatedly declared reformed, enabling him to commit more murders. In 1978 he appeared on the television show The Dating Game in the midst of his killing spree.

A recurring parody featured in the current version of Let’s Make a Deal called The Dealing Game features Wayne Brady and Jonathan Mangum , but instead of a date, each represents a curtain and tries to convince the contestant to pick his curtain. The show used many contemporary songs, ranging from those of Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass from the 1960s to pop music used for celebrity guest and band appearances. For the first few episodes at the beginning of the ABC run, live music was provided by the Regents (unrelated to the doo-wop band of the same name who were famous for their song “Barbara Ann”), a house band from Jack Martin’s A.M-P.M. On La Cienega Boulevard Starting in 1966, the show used recorded music, with the main theme provided by the Mariachi Brass, featuring trumpeter Chet Baker. The show used cover songs made by Skip Battin & the Group and the Challengers (196?, Triumph 64).

Kendrick, who will also star in the project, is known for roles in movies including Pitch Perfect, Trolls, and the Twilight Saga. On Friday, a lower court ruled in favor of four major publishing companies that aim to prevent our library lending—but the fight isn’t over. We will keep defending the rights of all libraries, and we ask you to stand with us.

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Daniel Zovatto is the only other confirmed actor, but his role hasn’t been listed. Given he is only one of two actors confirmed, we can safely assume he will be playing the role of infamous serial killer Rodney Alcala. Serial murderer, Rodney Alcala was accepted as a contestant on The Dating Game in 1978. By then, he had already murdered at least two women in California and two others in New York. Host Jim Lange introduced him as a “successful photographer who got his start when his father found him in the darkroom at 13, fully developed. Between takes you might find him skydiving or motorcycling”. Alcala won the contest, and a date with Cheryl Bradshaw, who subsequently refused to go out with him because she found him “creepy”.

Lovelink is an interactive virtual reality romance game that lets you navigate your chats with your choices! With interesting, exciting and thrilling characters to browse through, dive into an all-new narrative dating experience. Mystic Messenger is a Korean mobile romance game that came out in 2016. Also available in English, players take on the role of the main character who stumbles upon an app that lets them interact with the members of a group known as the RFA. Players interact with the characters through chats, texts and phone calls in real-time. What sets it apart from other games in the same genre is that players can actually create their own stories and share it with others.

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Various episodes from the ABC daytime run have aired on Game Show Network. The remaining ABC versions of the show, which were made for primetime and for syndication, are assumed to exist in their entirety. Instead of asking questions of the contestants, the bachelor/bachelorette was presented with two pun-laden statements, each pertaining to one of the contestants.

This means you can get straight to the chat and have conversations in real time. Serial killer Rodney James Alcala murdered at least nine women and girls across the United States in the 1970s, though his true death toll could number more than 100. He spent time in prison for sexual assault and other crimes in the 1970s but continued to rape and kill when he was free.

Airdates are as follows (all times listed are Eastern/Pacific). Offers a simple and straightforward interface with self-explaining options that incredibly simplify the video production process. Offers high-quality performance for video production and enables you to work dramatically faster. A sub-reddit dedicated to the video game and anime series Makai Senki Disgaea, Phantom Brave, and Makai Kingdom universes. —pricing isn’t listed but the SteamDB entry for the deleted Steam store page indicates that it will be free to play.

The panel of celebrities has a chance to grill each participant before taking turns deciding who they think is telling the truth. Unfortunately, most reality dating show couples did not stay together. Being at the spot of our daily lives of our 80s’ X-generation, our lives/choices/relations became like them unwillingly, uncontrollably. Nowadays the sense of a good relationship or a companionship is lost.

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Alcala, then 66, represented himself in his third trial in 2010. Contestant coordinator Ellen Metzger thought Alcala was “striking” at the time. Her future husband Mike Metzger, the show’s executive producer, disagreed. Some authorities believe he murdered around 50 people, others think he may have taken as many as 130 lives. In 1968, a witness spotted Alcala driving off with Shapiro. Concerned, he followed them to an apartment and called the police.

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Most relationship apps are free, such as Hinge, Bumble, Tinder, and OkCupid. However some websites restrict the variety of potential matches you possibly can see in a sure timeframe, but you shall be able to match and message with folks without spending any cash. Others, corresponding to eharmony, have a required membership charge to find a way to message with people–but you get what you pay for, with a more thorough matching process and additional options. That’s to not say it is not for relationships — lots of men meet their forever person on Grindr — but on the floor, it’s a tool for quick, informal encounters. If you’re seeking one thing more critical, you can modify your filter to look for “dates.” Keep in mind, although, that this can considerably lower the number of potential matches.

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Heidi was instantly in style, which might not shock you if you recognize the names of its director, Isao Takahata, and format director, Hayao Miyazaki. If you don’t, don’t fear, they’ll be mentioned again later. The next 12 months in 1964, Tokyo Movie Shinsha fashioned, and their first animated release was a TV sequence known as Big X. You may say it was influenced by Tezuka – he wrote the manga it was primarily based on (“god of manga,” remember). Over the years, TMS and its subsidiaries, together with A Production, Shin-Ei Animation, and Telecom Animation Film, would incessantly complement their unique productions with outsourced work for different firms, most notably Disney.

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With a runtime of 78 minutes, it was the primary feature-length colour anime film. Animating with cels – characters and shifting parts painted on transparent sheets of celluloid layered over each other and a background – was an enormous enchancment over chalk and paper cutouts, but it was a a lot greater expense. Studios needed to get more artistic find sources of funding. Promotional movies made and paid for by the government flourished. As the navy began gearing up for war, many animators turned their palms to propaganda. On the civilian facet, academic movies have been made for kids and advertising pieces were animated for business corporations.

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“The counterculture triumphed over all,” he recalled in considered one of our conversations. “But it was going to be five variations of the same story, and who wants to write down that? ” He started to mirror on what he actually wished to attain. Science fiction had begun as the trail of least resistance; now Delany started to surprise what his earlier literary ambitions might seem like if transposed into the style that had chosen him. He stopped publishing novels for 5 years—what appeared, in the world of science fiction, like a lifetime. Delany’s grandfather had risen from slavery in North Carolina to turn out to be a bishop in the Episcopal Church. Repression was a shadow over his childhood’s precarious talented-tenth privilege.

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The found Kirby had used the patrol car laptop to download, entry, and possess child pornography from as early as December 24, 2014. He started communicating on-line with the woman in 2015 and eventually began utilizing these chats to request and receive sexually explicit movies and pictures of the woman, and send her similar videos and images of himself. The girl’s dad and mom found the nature of the chats and notified law enforcement in New York state, where they lived. A 60-year-old investigative journalist in California was arrested by federal authorities last week for his alleged function in a grotesque online group dedicated to disseminating movies and pictures of child sexual abuse. In June, court paperwork revealed Nolder was charged with two counts of kid pornography. The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office says it discovered a tough drive at his residence with lots of of images of bare youngsters as young as eight.

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At 10,219 toes, Mount Washburn towers above Dunraven Pass between Tower Junction and Canyon Village. A hearth lookout stationed at the summit offers a well-liked destination for day hikers, as nicely as housing for an worker who watches for and tracks fires all through the summer time. This webcam is located inside the residing quarters on the highest ground and looks out to the northeast. The National Elk Refuge sits just exterior Jackson, Wyoming, located north of town.

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