Why Flexible Data Management Is So Important in GRC

Data is a vital part of business. It assists companies in making better decisions and helps drive growth. However, managing this volume of data can be a challenging task. To ensure that your business can reap the benefits data has to offer and more, a flexible approach to managing data is essential.

Flexibility is key in any GRC program, as it allows organizations to adjust to the changing needs. Rigid models impose data siloes and create barriers to sharing, however, flexible approaches such as metadata-driven glossaries for business, data dictionaries and data lineage records could aid in addressing these issues. Flexible data management enables organizations to avoid expensive platform-based data units, such as warehouses and data ponds which can be difficult to migrate or scale up to meet increasing demands.

LogicGate Director of Customer Success Szuyin Leow discusses why flexibility is so important in GRC and how you can incorporate it into your strategy for managing data in this episode of our podcast GRCM, the GRCM & Me.

It is crucial to design your data management solutions with the final goal in mind. This involves agreeing on what data and results your company is hoping to attain so that you can effectively organize and configure your systems to achieve the goals. Making www.boardroomreview.blog/how-many-votes-are-needed-for-an-ordinary-resolution/ use of the right tools, like MarkLogic’s semantic capabilities, will also allow you to rapidly scale your data infrastructure without losing control of your personal data.


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