Different Types of Data Storage

Data storage is a crucial feature for applications that wish to monitor user progress, enable login or perform various other functions. There are many methods to store information about users, but the most effective solution is determined by the issue you’re trying solve.

Local storage is a great option to store small http://virtuadata.net/how-to-select-optimal-data-room-due-diligence-pricing-plan/ amounts of data, such as user registration or login details, that do not require immediate sync. However, it is limited by the size of the device’s hard drive and is only accessed with client-side code (and cannot be modified through server-side scripts). Additionally local storage is susceptible to loss of data when the application is removed or the device is reset.

Database storage is great for storing large amounts of data that might require editing. It lets you keep the track of your users’ data by keeping their unique identifiers in the database table and then reference that identifier every time you access the database. This approach is more complicated than others, but could be beneficial for large enterprise apps or large apps that need to keep track of user data over multiple sessions.

WebView2 stores data from browsers using UDFs. This includes cookies, permissions and cached resources. This data expires based on the user’s Web and App Activity settings. It’s also possible to be cleared manually by the user through Actions on Google. To store additional user information it is necessary to define an appropriate UDF location that has Write access to the WebView2. See the WinUI 3.cs file in the WebView2Samples repo for an example of how to do this with ICoreWebView2Environment7.


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